aaniajuliriniq: taking care of or caring for the sick
annaumanasungniq: activities and the capability to make a sustainable livelihood; trying and succeeding in making a living beyond mere survival, to have more than is needed to survive, to be sufficiently equipped and situated to be self-sufficient
gavamakkut isumaliurutiviningit: historical government policies and practices
igluliriniq: activities and responsibilities of social housing; housing authorities
Inuit nunagivaktangat: a camp that was used regularly as a traditional home for hunting and harvesting; home for Inuit before they were moved to houses in permanent settlements
ilinniarniq: foreign formal education system
imialuk: alcohol
katitaujut: to be gathered together and organized
nuutauniq: the act of being removed from one place and moved to another place, usually without choice or real consent or consultation due to lack of sufficient information provided to make an informed decision
paliisikkut: policing
pittailiniq: deliberate abstinence or refraining from doing what is not allowed or prohibited due to custom, social expectations and norms, usually as part of a tradition or ritual, as associated with civilized and mature behaviour as the primary motivating principle, goal and ideal for conformity
pivalliajuliriniq: the activities of development usually undertaken by a development officer; a policy or practice of development including economic development; activities dealing with new or current events anything new that arrives in a community
qarmaq: a permanent dwelling that is not a tent or made of snow nor a shed or shack, can be made of sod, stone, wood, canvass or combination of any of these
qimmiit: Inuit sled dogs
saimaqatigiiniq: when past opponents get back together to meet in the middle, to become calm and peaceful with one another especially after a conflict; to achieve peace
tukisiumaqattautinasuarniq: endeavouring to understand each other due differences in culture