Apphia Killiktee

Apphia Killiktee was born in Mount Herodier in 1956. In 1962-63, when she was 6 or 7 years old, Apphia’s family relocated to Pond Inlet after a teacher arrived at Mount Herodier to tell Apphia and her step-brother Mikisi that they had to go to school. Upon relocation, they initially stayed in a tent by the river due to a lack of housing. Apphia recalls that at this time her family had no dogs, and she does not know what happened to them. She testifies that at this time her grandfather worked for the RCMP as a constable, and that he abruptly resigned. In their second year at Pond Inlet, Apphia's family moved into a small matchbox house. As a result of the cramped conditions in the matchbox house, Apphia contracted tuberculosis and was put on medication. In 1982, at 20 years old, Apphia married and she and her husband rented a house. Apphia was educated up until grade nine, but her grandparents did not want her to go on to Iqaluit for further education.