Sam Palituq

Sam Palituq was born in 1956 near Clyde River. His testimony includes information about dog slaughter and about his disruptive 7 year experience in southern hospitals. He was sent south for TB treatment and for a heart condition. When he came back, he could no longer speak Inuktitut or communicate with his family. Around 1968-1969, while his family was getting ready to leave Clyde River after visiting relatives, three of his father’s dogs were shot (the lead dog first) by an RCMP officer who told his father that his children had to go to school and that he had to go to work. Sam understood what the officer said but he could not be an interpreter for his father because he was not fluent enough in Inuktitut. A week later, his parents brought the children to school, but continued living on the land. Sam was deeply affected by this situation and eventually managed to share his feelings with his father before he passed away.